5 Schritte zum Verkaufsstart
5 Schritte zum Verkaufsstart
TYP | |
1. Zahlungs-Gateway anschließen | We support 120 different gateways from Stripe, Paypal, WorldPay, Adyen... |
2. Ein Produkt erstellen | Create your first product, then simply clone the next ones. |
3. Verfügbarkeit erstellen | Add a season (repeating week) or an exception (one-off) |
4. Create Tickets | Give it a name. Fill in description, set the price, and set the maximum number of tickets per purchase. |
5. Widget erstellen | Create a widget. Customize it your brand. Add the code on your website and you're good to go! |
Zahlungs-Gateway anschließen
Go to your Account> Settings
Click on Integrations
Activate a payment gateway
Fill in your merchant account details> Click Update Supplier to save changes
Please Note: The Spreedly integration is fairly technical. So if you choose to integrate with this partner, please get in touch with us so we can help you connect with it.
Ein Produkt erstellen
On your dashboard> Click (+) Create
Select New Product
Fill in with your product (tour) details. Then, click Create Product to save changes.
Verfügbarkeit erstellen
On your dashboard, Go to Products
Select the Product (or the tour)
Go to Availability
Create availability depending on the type of tour you are selling.
Create Season (regular/weekly tours)
Name the season
Choose start date and end date
Click Create Season to save changes
Create Exception (single/infrequent events)
Provide name for the exception (e.g. Christmas 2023)
Select date/s
Save changes
Tickets erstellen
Select the Product (or tour)
Go to Tickets> Create New Ticket
Fill in details:
Nennen Sie Ihren Fahrscheintyp (Erwachsener, Kind, etc.)
Leave size of a ticket at 1 (unless a family ticket)
Schreiben Sie eine Beschreibung (wie lange, was gehört dazu und warum wollen sie kommen)
Preis festlegen
Legen Sie eine Höchstmenge fest, die ein Kunde kaufen kann.
Click on Create Ticket to save changes
Read the full guide about Creating Tickets for more information.
Widget erstellen
On your Account Dashboard > Widgets (left side)
Click on Create New Widget
Customize the widget to your brand.
Fill-in tour details
Add tour extras (if you are upselling merchandise products)
Customize the colors
Here's a complete guide about TicketingHub's booking widget: know the features, examples, and its benefits for your tour website.
Once you're done, copy the widget code (top right) and paste it into your site as HTML.
Verkaufen Sie!
Don't forget to paste the widget code on your website - you can now START SELLING!
Updated on: 20/06/2023
Ich danke Ihnen!